Brightspace Data Streams (July 2023)

DiscussionThread_View Event

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DiscussionThread_View EventΒΆ

DiscussionThread_View is posted when a user views a discussion thread. The actor is the user who views the thread, and the object is the discussion thread itself. The event object has the following form:

        "id": "<EventUUID>",
        "timestamp": "<UTCDateTimeString>",
        "actor": {
                "account": {
                        "homePage": "https://<TenantUUID>",
                        "name": "urn:uuid:<UserUUID>"
        "verb": {
                "id": ""
        "object": {
                "objectType": "Activity",
                "id": "urn:uuid:<DiscussionThreadUUID>",
                "definition": {
                        "type": ""
        "context": {
                "contextActivities": {
                        "category": [
                                        "id": ""
                "registration": "<OrgUnitUUID>",
                "extensions": {
                        "": {
                                "userId": "<BrightspaceUserIdNumber>",
                                "impersonatingUserId": "<BrightspaceImpersonatingUserIdNumber>",
                                "roleId": "BrightspaceRoleIdNumber>"
                        "": {
                                "id": "<BrightspaceDiscussionThreadIdNumber>"
                        "": {
                                "tenantId": "<TenantUUID>",
                                "originalEventId": "<InternalEventUUID>",
                                "orgUnitId": "<BrightspaceOrgUnitIdNumber>",
                                "orgUnitTypeId": "<BrightspaceOrgUnitTypeIdNumber",
                                "imsRoleIds": [ <IMSRoles> ]



a unique identifier for the discussion thread. This UUID is created by an algorithm whose input is the TenantID, OrgUnitID, and discussion thread ID. This UUID will be used whenever this thread is referenced by any BDS event.


a unique identifier for the OrgUnit.


only present if the user is being impersonated by a different user. If this field is present, then the Actor information refers to the person being impersonated, not the impersonator.


only present if the OrgUnit has been assigned a type ID number.


only provided for use by D2L personnel if needed for troubleshooting.

See Fundamental xAPI Concepts for information on other fields.

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